Thursday, May 15, 2014

FontLab Studio Download Free

FontLab Studio

FontLab Studio torrent

Seeds 136 SeedsPeers 90 Peers

Version: 5.2.1 Build 4868
Category: Others|Font Utils
Developer: FontLab Ltd.
Size: 14 Mb

What is new: Improved OpenType generation: Adobe FDK for OpenType (AFDKO) version 2.5 is integrated, and the 6,400 glyph limit is removed. FLS can now save and generate fonts with up to 65,635 glyphs. Interpolated Nodes: Contour / Interpolate / Horizontal and Vertical enables and disables the “interpolated” state of a node (in X and Y separately). The position of an interpolated node will change accordingly if nodes between which an interpolated node is located are moved. Class Kerning Overlay Preview: All class members being overlaid semi-transparently on top of each other for the active kerning pair in the Metrics Window / Kerning mode if Tools / Options / Metrics window / Show all kerning class members for selected pair is enabled. OpenType Layout-aware Metrics Window: New setting in the Metrics window toolbar is available: Process Features. If enabled, OpenType Layout substitutions are performed to the text entered in the Metrics Window depending on the features enabled in the Op...

Features: Imports fonts with up to 64,000 glyphs as OpenType PS (.otf), Win TrueType / OpenType TT (.ttf), Win Type 1 (.pfb + .pfm/.afm), ASCII/Unix Type 1 (.pfa + .afm), Mac Type 1 (LWFN as .hqx, .bin), Mac TrueType (.dfont or FFIL as .hqx, .bin), TrueType AAT (.ttf, .dfont), Win Multiple Master (.pfb + .mmm), FontLab 2.5 (.vfa), FontLab 3.0-4.6/TypeTool/AsiaFont Studio/ScanFont/FontLab Studio (.vfb), Ikarus (.ik), BDF Bitmap (.bdf). Also imports glyphs as Adobe Illustrator 8 EPS (.ai, .eps), TIFF, BMP. Exports fonts with up to 6,400 glyphs as OpenType PS (.otf), Win TrueType / OpenType TT (.ttf), Win Type 1 (.pfb + .pfm/.afm), ASCII/Unix Type 1 (.pfa + .afm), Win Multiple Master (.pfb + .mmm), FontLab 3.0-4.6/TypeTool/AsiaFont Studio/ScanFont/TransType/FontLab Studio (.vfb). Also exports glyphs as Adobe Illustrator 8 EPS (.ai + .eps), TIFF, BMP. Mac version also exports Mac Type 1 (LWFN), Mac TrueType (.dfont or FFIL), Mac Multiple Master. Tools: Draw, Erase, VectorPaint, Mirror, Composite, Set Startpoint, Interpolate, Envelope, Remove Overlap, Merge Contours, Subtract Contours, Snap to Guides, Check Connections, Nodes at Extremes, Meter, TrueType and Type 1 manual hinting (with Flex), Undo (100+ levels), Sketch, Knife, Magic Wand, Rotate, Skew, Scale, Intersect Contours Filters: Actions: Bold, Outline, Sidebearings Control, Scale, Slant, Rotate, Autohint etc. Python-based filters: Digital, Shadow, Bevel, Drops, Slices, Mosaic. All filters can be applied on one or many glyphs. Actions can be also applied on multiple fonts at a time. Windows: Document Windows: Font, Glyph, Metrics; Dockable panels: Fonts, Preview/OpenType Sample/Anchors, OpenType, Class, Edit Macro, Output; Other panels: Font Map, Transformation, Editing Layers, Properties Encoding: Unicode (up to 4.1), Custom, ANSI, ASCII, and virtually all known codepages and encodings, Chinese, Japanese and Korean double-byte codepages Printouts: Font Table, Glyph List, Font Sample, Font Waterfall, Glyph Sample, Glyph Waterfall, Kerning Table, Quick Test

Requires: 64MB RAM SVGA Monitor Mouse Python 2.4 for macros

Review: FontLab Studio is a comprehensive text editor designed for professional users, designers and printers. The interface is not particularly attractive, but comfortable. You can open fonts from the user's location, or those that are built into Windows, and ask the program to search for fonts on your computer. For each character, you can change the name and character Unicode, along with classes and types. You can replace existing characters, rotate, change, scale or mirror them and configure the parameters and apply effects (eg, bold, shadow, gradient, 3D rotation). You can add notes to each character to remove characters from the corresponding font family, and the use of standard and advanced drawing tools to edit glyph appears, for example, altering, interpolation, transformation (eg, curves in PostScript), optimization and direct alignment. In addition, you can import backgrounds raster fonts, EPS, metrics and font files on Mac, as well as for export, backgrounds, EPS or metrics, and save project file for further modifications. These are just some of the opportunities offered by FontLab Studio. Application software supports hot keys and includes electronic textbooks. It has a good response time and uses less CPU and RAM, so it does not interfere with other applications. We did not encounter any difficulties in our evaluation. Thanks to its wide range of options and customizable settings, FontLab Studio must satisfy advanced users.

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