Sunday, April 13, 2014

Microsoft Office Download Free

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office torrent

Seeds 139 SeedsPeers 97 Peers

Version: 2013 15.0.4420.1017 RTM / 2010 14.0.7015.1000 Service Pack 2
Category: Office tools|Office suites
Developer: Microsoft
Size: 211 Mb

What is new: The following are the key areas of improvements that are offered by SP2: Excel 2010 SP2: Improves the overall stability, performance, and compatibility with other versions of Excel. For a more detailed list of specific issues that the service pack fixes, please download a version of the workbook that is available below. Fixes issues in which the performance of Excel decreases, and Excel file sizes become larger when additional built-in styles are copied during the duplication of data between different Excel instances. Fixes an issue in which data validation lists that contain comma signs (,) are broken in an .xlsx or .xlsb file. This issue occurs when you set the user locale to a location that does not use comma signs (,) to separate the lists. For example, Germany uses semicolons (;) to separate the lists. When you set Germany as the location, data validation lists that contain commas are all broken. Fixes an issue in which an .xlsx file created in Microsoft Office 2013 that contai...


Requires: CPU: 1 GHz processor RAM: 1GB for x32 / 2GB for x64 HDD: 3 GB of available disk space DirectX 10-compatible graphics card (optional) .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, or 4.5 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10; Mozilla Firefox 10.x or a later version; Apple Safari 5; or Google Chrome 17.x.

Review: Microsoft Office 2013 is available in several versions, and you can decide which is the best buy for you. MS Office 365 University can usedon 2 PCs or Mac, almost everywhere, SkyDrive storage and Skype world minutes. MS Office Home and Business 2013 includes the latest?? Your e version??'s Primary office?? Ka programs (including Outlook), PC.Office Professional 2013 includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, and Lync . MSOffice Home and Student 2013 includes word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013 and OneNote 2013. Bureau is one of the most??'s products ever released by Microsoft, and it also can?? Teja must-have for millions of users out there. Software giant based in Redmond constantly improve?? Evati its Office suite, so now comes with a very attractive interface that has a little more organized so that users can now without this?? But take advantage of its innovative features. Name??-Making Microsoft Office seems a bit awkward, perhaps because there are a lot of tools related to installation kit, so that the computer can?? El handy when trying?? But to perform. New copy software knowledge Copy all files takes time, even with high-speed computers, because there are many?? Number of files that can be performed on the hard disk. Those who created the office?? Ki package, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or any other similar software may not previously used needs time to get used to assume. Interface At first glance, it is known band interface, the app seems familiar. However, the detailed?? Em review, we can find the parts or features with every click me?? Points, which may seem confusing if users do not know the exact features you need. Experimenting with the suite should be provided in the future smooth operation. Microsoft Office comes with several tools, as follows: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, Access, InfoPath, OneNote, Project, Visio and SharePoint Designer. Each of these can be installed separately or together with?? Numerous other features that can easily be office?? After work. Excel is ideal for creating spreadsheets and tracking those finances, Outlook is the right tool for managing e-mail creates high-quality PowerPoint presentations, Word can be used to create and organize text, Access is a database management system, InfoPath allows you to create and distribute electronic forms, while OneNote supports večuporabni?? which cooperation and Project, SharePoint Designer and Visio useful for developers. All the features of Microsoft Office can be tested using the 60-day trial period, and if the results are satisfactory, the license must be purchased.

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